We discovered a long time ago no one looks out for your property better than you do. We also know that you cannot be in all of the places you need to be at the same time.
We have owned and personally managed over 30 properties, and we understand the difficulties that you face as a non-resident property owner. We have built houses from the ground up and gone through massive renovations; we’ve had First Class tenants and we’ve had tenants we wouldn’t wish on our least favorite person. We truly understand your needs!
PDISE, Inc. was born out of our own realization that property marketing, management and rentals, need to be about customer service and protecting the owner, not about profiteering at the expense of someone overseas. We know from our experience that a vacant home will have more issues than an occupied home; that finding a problem at its origin can save an owner thousands if the maintenance is deferred. We have built our marketing/management operation to replicate the way we have administered our own properties, and it is the result of decades of trial and error, and learning the best way to market/manage on behalf of absentee owners.
We invite you to contact us and learn more about what PDISE, Inc. is doing to revolutionize marketing/management in the U.S. Virgin islands for absentee owners. We are confident that we can market and maintain your investment property the way you feel it should be done.